Mom and Dad, it sounds like you've been having a blast down in good old New Mexico. I'm very happy about all the pictures with our awesome family. Everyone keeps getting bigger and better, I'm just a bit jealous of not being there. I hope you sent my love there, because there is no greater place to have true joy but within your family! On that note I got word that I will be leaving my Witbank Family and traveling to a new Area. I have no idea where I'm heading, but everyone is convinced that I'll be sent to Botswana. I guess we'll see what happens and take on another challenge:) The rest of my week was full of teaching and service. We taught our white father lead about the Plan of Salvation, Moved the township elders to a new flat, and We made an A frame roof for a tuck shop.
Just last night we were talking with our Father named Reinheirt with his less active wife about the Plan of Happiness. They have a small little girl and we talked a lot on the importance of family. We even taught a great amount on the Restoration of the gospel, speaking on how a restoration as needed after Christ's church fell with the death of the apostles. This how ever lead us to our longest talk on how the Holy Ghost answers our prayers. We read scriptures and talked about the holy ghost as a light in a dark room. It was one of my best lessons I've had with him and the spirit was so strong. What a good way to have my final lesson in Witbank.
My leaving is very bitter sweet on the fact their was no church this Sunday because of stake conference. So when next Sunday comes and they see Elder Meyers with a new comp they will ask "Where is Dalton?" I'll have to silently disappear from the area I've done so much work in and have started to really to put out success. I'm just grateful for the patience of the Lord with me and the lessons I've learned in this challenging area.
On Thursday we moved two sets of missionaries that work in the township to a "better" place. They stayed in our area, but close to downtown which is very dangerous. Their building also had frequent power outages and loss of water, more normal than for Witbank. So in hopes to place them in better place we moved them across town with all their stuff. They moved into a place named Ridge view, a gated community, on the snobby side of town. When we got teir we also found they lived on the top floor of the apartment complexes, of course it had to be the top floor! Still it all seemed very nice and their flats are huge, we thought it would all work. Then later this week the same problems came to them, no water at all for the past two days. It's simple irony I guess.
Finally, my favorite part of my week came from building and hanging out with the McDonald Family. They have been converting a huge wooden crate that was used for the mines moving large equipment into a tuck shop. Now a tuck shop is like a small little store by the road that sells food and drink. So that day we made and placed the biggest A frame in the world using 8X6 freakin logs with just four guys. I will say my hulk skills were needed that day! It was just so nice to be around the McDonald's and talk about everything. There is something special when you get a bunch of guys with power tools together. The only bad thing to happen was I nailed my left thumb with the hammer, man did it feel sore that day. On top of that I wanted to "express myself", but their was the little kids around, talk about self control.
So that is my week in a nut shell. I hope all is good wherever you are and that my love finds you there.
Love your Son and Brother,
Elder Jack F Dalton